Tower Team & Partners – Celebratory Dinner – September 2024
Captain Gordon’s Report
At the beginning of the season for 2024 the Tower team again found themselves in the Peterborough and District Bowls League Club 55 – Division 2 after having finished mid table in this league in the 2023 season.
Following a Captains meeting I was able to retain the same 12 players from the previous season. This year our number of games increased from 16 to 18. We welcomed three new teams in our league – City of Peterborough ‘C’, Baker Perkins and Whittlesey Town Lions.
The season got off to a bad start after the winter and soon after the fixtures were released 3 games had to be re-arranged due to other club’s commitments and delays in the opening of many of the bowls greens. Our season therefore didn’t start until the first week in May instead of mid April, this also meant that it had to be extended to early September.
The weather for the beginning of the season was awful and one game in particular was abandoned early due to a downpour of rain.
During the early part of the season we struggled for good results, but as the weather improved so did our form. In the last 7 games we only lost 2 and also managed to achieve victory both at Home and Away against – Bretton Beagles – Westward Panthers and City of Peterborough’C’.
We finished with a total of 74 points leaving us 7th in the league.
The team always gave their best and in a lot of games fought back from a losing position in order to achieve a win. We were also grateful for good support from relatives of players who turned up both to watch matches and help with making the tea which was always very welcome.
The Tower team players have been very active in supporting both; Bowls Club Social events and Longthorpe Friendly games.
All in all we have had a good enjoyable season of bowling, which we will celebrate at our traditional end of season meal at the Farmers, Yaxley.
Tower Team Captain