Lads v Lasses
Sunday 4 July 2021
All funds received go to the President’s Charities – Macmillan Cancer Support & Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall
Lads v Lasses - Message from the President
Dear Members
I know we all are getting fed up with all the Covid restrictions which have had an effect on everyone including charities. My two charities are SUE RYDER THORPE HALL and MACMILLAN CANCER SUPPORT both of which are very close to our family.
I am sending this email to all club members thanking them for their support for the Lads v. Lasses Charity Day match, entering into the game, the very generous donation of prizes, supporting the raffle and other donations.
In particular I would like to say a very big thank you to the following members, in no particular order:-
MICHAEL, ABBEY, PAT and BARBARA for organizing the day, the teams and the raffle.
RICHARD H, for having the green in superb playing condition
JAN B and CAROL B for looking after the cold drinks and cakes we enjoyed at the end of the day.
ROY for giving us all some photos to keep – see below.
JACKIE for all the pre day communications to ensure as many players as possible could take part.
RICHARD J, our treasurer, for looking after all the money side of things and who has informed me that we raised approximately £400 – an excellent amount!
Finally, to all those who played.
I know the money that goes to the charities will be welcome and assist in helping to recover some of the lost revenue caused by the Pandemic. Hopefully things will be back to normal in the very near future.
Once again to everyone who made the Lads and Lasses event such a great day – THANK YOU!

The Players and Helpers