2022 August Drive & BBQ

22 August 2022
Dear Members

Yesterday’s BBQ and Bowls Drive was a huge success.  36 members took part in the Bowls Drive and the BBQ was attended by 60 members, social members and friends. 
It was a pleasure to welcome Ron Jackson, who has been a member of the club since 1985 and was both President and Chairman.  Ron is moving to Suffok in September and it was probably his last opportunity to say ‘Good Bye’ to the friends he has made during that time.  We wish him Good Luck in his new home. 
A big thank you to the members who donated raffle prizes and bought tickets, the raffle raised £218.00 for our President’s charity, Sue Ryder Care Thorpe Hall. 
Finally, thank you to everyone who played their part in making the event a success.