Message from our Chairman
May I take this opportunity of thanking you all for the fantastic support you gave our biennial Race Night, the evening really was a night to remember and resulted in raising a phenomenal £2,646.46.
Everything went well in every aspect, once again we have to thank Carl Mallett of Princebuild for the loan of the first rate sound system, a big thank you to the generosity of the members who donated the fine selection of Raffle prizes, which proved to be very popular and on it’s own raised £408.00. In addition we had two auction items which raised a total of £75.00. We have to thank our sponsors for again providing a major part of the capital which makes this event so successful.
Thanks go to the Dolls on the banking table selling the tote tickets, Margaret, Bridget, Jenny and Jackie. Not forgetting our cashiers paying out winnings Mac and Richard.
Our ladies catering team did a brilliant job in feeding 100 with chilli and jacket potatoes so thanks go to Jenny, Bridget, Margaret, Lynne, Audrey, Jackie and not forgetting my lovely better half Gloria.
Our ladies catering team did a brilliant job in feeding 100 with chilli and jacket potatoes so thanks go to Jenny, Bridget, Margaret, Lynne, Audrey, Jackie and not forgetting my lovely better half Gloria.
Finally, we have to thank Audrey, once again, for organising this extremely lucrative event and for arranging the fantastic MC, Colin Harrison; it is Audrey assisted by Jackie and Gloria who make these events so amazing and successful.
Thank you everyone without you our club wouldn’t be where it is today
Richard Harrison