2024 Mick Lewin Plate - 'LBC' Team for the final
Message from LBC Team Captain
A team from Longthorpe Bowls Club today (16 August 2024) played in the Peterborough & District Final for the Mick Lewin plate. The match was played at Bourne Town Bowls Club against a team from Westward. The game was very competitive with some fine displays of bowling we were playing triples on three rinks the teams were
Rink: 4 Greg Lead, Gordon Two and Richard H Skip,
Rink: 5 Bridget Lead, Colin Two and Richard J Skip,
Rink: 6 Jane Lead, Andrew Two and Terry Skip.
Peter H was the travelling reserve.
We won on one, drew on one, and lost on one. But unfortunately the overall score favoured Westward. It was a great game on an excellent green with really good weather. The final score was Longthorpe 54 Westward 62, so a close fought battle.
I also have to thank the following Longthorpe Bowlers who some of whom played in earlier rounds of the either the Lewin trophy or plate, Stuart, Peter H, David, Rob and Peter K. The two Peter’s were there today supporting our bowlers.
Congratulations to our Longthorpe Bowlers for their support and bowling expertise that got us through to the final, we will be getting a runners up memento which will be displayed in our tea room.
A big thank you to all our bowlers who have supported the team during the competition
Thank you
Richard Harrison