A Message from the Chairman
The Committee has agreed to open the green for the first Roll Up of the season
on Sunday 18th April at 14.00 with the same restrictions in place as last year
You may view the re-opening procedures/rules HERE and bookings (link disabled).
However, we need some volunteers to come down to the green on Monday 12th April to help get the green ready for opening.
Once again we are approaching the 2021 Bowling Season with a degree of uncertainty, however looking to the future we are planning a full programme of events (click HERE for full details) all of which are conditional on the prevailing circumstances, these events will only go ahead if we are satisfied that they are Covid compliant and the health and safety of our membership is secure.
We are proposing to hold our opening roll up at the end of May, based on the assumption that most of us will have had our second vaccination, however, this date will need to be kept under review. We hope and expect that we will have a better bowling season which will include league bowling. We have indicated to the league the number of teams we would like to enter and are awaiting further instructions; it may well be that the league season will start sooner than our opening roll up. We will keep you updated on any changes as they occur.
We are holding the AGM on Friday 19th March at 2.30pm via the Internet/Zoom, the paperwork and audited accounts will be circulated separately and all members are invited to participate, as well as anyone you know who may be interested in joining the club. We are keeping the membership subscription at £45.00, social membership at £5.00 and rink fees will stay at £1.00. Any questions relating to the AGM should be submitted by email prior to the meeting.
Your committee is aware that we are still in uncertain times but we want to assure you that we are endeavouring to get back on track so that we can continue to participate in the sport and recreation we all enjoy.
Richard Harrison