The Committee has now decided that Longthorpe Bowls Club will be commencing Roll Ups on SATURDAY 29 MAY.
The Officers & Committee have followed the advice of The Government, Public Health England and Bowls England in ensuring that all necessary precautions have been taken to minimise the risk of contracting Covid 19 Corona Virus and advise members of Longthorpe Bowls Club that they take part in these organised roll ups entirely at their own risk
After a great deal of debate the Committee of Longthorpe Bowls Club has decided that they will commence roll ups on Saturday 29 May, it is stressed that only members who have paid their 2021 subscriptions will be eligible to play. All participants will be required to pre book, when they will be allocated the rink they will play on.
(1) When booking you will need to give the names of the members you will be playing with; you can book for singles, (two players) Pairs, (four players) or triples (six players).
(2) Please remember that we share the facilities with the tennis club, to ensure social distancing we are asking Bowls Club Members to use the rear car park and enter the green by the side entrance adjacent to the foot path. There will be a hand sanitising station just inside the gate, please use this on arrival and when leaving.
(3) There will only be three rinks available for each session. 1, 3 & 5 or 2, 4 & 6, you must play on your allocated rink regardless of whether the other rinks are in use. The Sessions will be 2pm-4pm and 5pm-7pm Monday to Friday; 2pm-4pm Saturday and Sunday. Please arrive no earlier than 1.50pm and 4.50pm and leave by 4.15pm and 7.15pm respectively..
(4) The rinks will be set out with the rink markers in place, please leave the rink markers in place at the end of your session.
(5) We will not be using the Pushers, Score Boards or the ditch markers for the bowl or jack. If you wish to keep a record of the score please use your own paper record. There will be no chalking or measuring; please avoid touching any bowls other than your own.
(6) There will be 12 mats available for each day; sanitised mats will be kept in a suitably marked box. At the end of each session please ensure that used mats are placed in the box marked USED.
(7) There will be 6 jacks available for each day sanitised jacks will be kept in a suitably marked bucket. At the end of each session please ensure that used jacks are placed in the bucket marked USED.
(8) The village hall toilets will be available, please ensure that the front doors are kept locked and only one person at a time enters the toilet, please remember that the Tennis Club is also using the facilities.
(9) The Tea Room will not be open.
(10) The pavilions will be kept locked; there will be no changing facilities or LBC Bowls available. Please arrive wearing your bowling shoes and bowls in bowls carriers, avoiding the need for bowling bags.
(11) We regret that in order to ensure Social Distancing we cannot allow spectators.
(12) Face covering is a matter for personal choice.
(13) Please remember that the majority of our members are over 70 and considered vulnerable, in addition there may be some who were advised to shield for the first 12 weeks of lockdown. The Longthorpe Bowls Club has considered all the implications of reopening and asks all members to consider their own personal circumstances and vulnerability. Our aim is to keep everyone safe and well as possible.
Volunteers have come forward to help the Committee, with the duties described above and to maintain the security of the club. A rota system will be adopted.
Richard Harrison
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