Bowls Drive No.1

The list is on the noticeboard for the first Bowls Drive of the season, on 15 June – add your name if you wish to play.

Bowls Drive No.1 – Rules

GAME 1 (6 ends)

  • Normal bowls
  • 2 points for nearest to jack; next 4 nearest score 1 point each (must be within pole length)
  • No chalking

GAME 2 (6 ends)

  • No jack
  • Mat up 3 pole lengths
  • 5 woods closest to end ditch score 1 point each
  • Knocking up (your woods) & knocking out (opponents woods) is encouraged!
  • Measuring: straight line from wood to nearest edge of the green

GAME 3 (6 ends)

  • Normal bowls
  • No chalking


  • Take a Green or Yellow numbered token from the bag before each game
  • Maintain your own scorecard throughout
  • Dead ends: if an end becomes “dead”, offending team scores minus 1 point per person.  Do not replay the end.
  • A jack that is too long or too short, to be placed (not rolled again) by opponents at a distance of their choosing